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What’s holding you back from a daily yoga routine?

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Practicing yoga is a great way to destress, build strength, become more flexible, get in tune with your body, and boost your overall wellbeing. But it can be an expensive and a time-consuming activity. Classes are usually pricey, starting at $15 and increasing from there, and when you add in related costs like transportation, clothing, mats,  and other gear, you’re devoting a big portion of your paycheck to yoga.

Plus, most people struggle to make it to the studio on a consistent basis. And who can blame them? Between school, work, family, friends, and other hobbies, we’re all busy.

On the other hand, Yoga at home can be difficult, there’s no-one to specifically tell us what to do, there’s lack of motivation, accountability and heck we might be doing it horrendously wrong and not know what the hell we’re doing!

You’re far more likely to stay consistent and keep your practice regular when it’s affordable and simple, isn’t it?

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